Symposium 'Quantum Informatics - 2012'
   The International Conference “Micro- and Nanoelectronics – 2014” (ICMNE-2014) with the Extended Session "Quantum Informatics" (QI-2014) will be held during October 6-10, 2014 at the “Ershovo” resort in Zvenigorod, Moscow Region, Russia.

   It continues the series of the International Conferences "ICMNE-2003", "QI-2004", "ICMNE-2005", "QI-2005", "ICMNE-2007", "QI-2007", "ICMNE-2009", "QI-2009", "ICMNE-2012", and "QI-2012".
   General information
   Important dates
   Scientific programme
   Call for papers
   Contact us
   Information on ICMNE-2012
   Information on ICMNE-2009
   Information on ICMNE-2007
   Information on ICMNE-2005
   Information on ICMNE-2003

Information for Speakers

   Oral Presentations

   A laptop with a multimedia projector as well as an overhead apparatus will be available for the oral presentations. The CDs or USB-flash memory units are recommended as file carriers. The recommended formats of presentation are *.ppt (Microsoft Power Point) or *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat). To avoid any problems with compatibility, use the PDF format for your presentation.


   The poster size should not exceed 120 cm x 120 cm.

   Publishing of full text presentations

   Selected papers presented and discussed at ICMNE-2014 can be issued in Proceedings of SPIE as articles from 6 to 15 pages long (including figures). Manuscripts of the papers should be forwarded to the Organizing Committee not later than 1 month after the Conference. The manuscripts and the Copyright Forms should be prepared according to the PDF templates of SPIE that may be found at the page Downloads at the Conference website. The manuscripts will not be edited by the Organizing Committee. The Copyright Form should be signed by all of the authors.

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